Source code for api_prototype.sandbox_helpers

# coding=utf-8
Pinyto cloud - A secure cloud database for your personal data
Copyright (C) 2105 Johannes Merkert <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import cffi
import os
import json
import struct
from pymongo.son_manipulator import ObjectId
from datetime import datetime
from time import mktime

_ffi = cffi.FFI()
_ffi.cdef('void _exit(int);')
_libc = _ffi.dlopen(None)

[docs]def libc_exit(n=1): """ Invoke _exit(2) system call. :param n: :type n: int """ _libc._exit(n)
[docs]def read_exact(fp, n): """ Read only the specified number of bytes :param fp: file pointer :type fp: file :param n: number of bytes to read :type n: int :rtype: bytes """ buf = b'' while len(buf) < n: buf2 =, n) if not buf2: libc_exit(123) buf += buf2 return buf
[docs]def write_exact(fp, s): """ Write only the specified number of bytes :param fp: file pointer :type fp: file :param s: string to write and not a byte more than that :type s: bytes """ done = 0 while done < len(s): written = os.write(fp.fileno(), s[done:]) if not written: libc_exit(123) done += written
[docs]def write_to_pipe(pipe, data_dict): """ Writes the data_dict to the give pipe. :param pipe: one part of socket.socketpair() :type pipe: socket.Socket :param data_dict: :type data_dict: dict """ data_json = json.dumps(data_dict).encode('utf-8') write_exact(pipe, struct.pack('>L', len(data_json))) write_exact(pipe, data_json)
[docs]def read_from_pipe(pipe): """ Reads a json string from the pipe and decodes the json of that string. :param pipe: one part of socket.socketpair() :type pipe: socket.Socket :rtype: dict """ sz, = struct.unpack('>L', read_exact(pipe, 4)) return json.loads(str(read_exact(pipe, sz), encoding='utf-8'))
[docs]def escape_all_objectids_and_datetime(conv_dict): """ This function escapes all ObjectId objects to make the dict json serializable. :param conv_dict: :type conv_dict: dict """ for key in conv_dict.keys(): if type(conv_dict[key]) == dict: conv_dict[key] = escape_all_objectids_and_datetime(conv_dict[key]) elif type(conv_dict[key]) == ObjectId: conv_dict[key] = {'ObjectId': str(conv_dict[key])} elif type(conv_dict[key]) == datetime: conv_dict[key] = {'Datetime': mktime(conv_dict[key].timetuple())} return conv_dict
[docs]def unescape_all_objectids_and_datetime(conv_dict): """ This function reverses the escape of all ObjectId objects done by escape_all_objectids_and_datetime. :param conv_dict: :type conv_dict: dict """ for key in conv_dict.keys(): if type(conv_dict[key]) == dict: if 'ObjectId' in conv_dict[key]: conv_dict[key] = ObjectId(conv_dict[key]['ObjectId']) elif 'Datetime' in conv_dict[key]: conv_dict[key] = datetime.fromtimestamp(conv_dict[key]['Datetime']) else: conv_dict[key] = unescape_all_objectids_and_datetime(conv_dict[key]) return conv_dict
[docs]def piped_command(pipe, command_dict): """ Writes the command_dict to the pipe end reads the answer. :param pipe: one part of socket.socketpair() :type pipe: socket.Socket :param command_dict: :type command_dict: dict """ write_to_pipe(pipe, command_dict) answer = read_from_pipe(pipe) if 'response' in answer: return answer['response'] else: raise NoResponseFromHostException( str(command_dict) + ' returned no valid response. ' + 'This means the host process lacks an implementation for this command.')
[docs]class NoResponseFromHostException(Exception): """ This is a custom exception which gets returned if no valid response is returned. """
[docs]class EmptyRequest(): """ This class is used for processing jobs. They need request.body but it can be empty. """ def __init__(self): self.body = ""